Ursus Wehrli


Plakat: Heute habe ich beinahe was erlebt

Ursus Wehrli is on Tour with His "Tagebuch"-Reading:

What makes a day –
Over the years, Mr. Wehrli has been jotting down notes on what he experiences throughout the day, the thoughts that shoot through his mind, the ideas he conjures up, and the things he notices for the first time. The result is a delightful and thought-provoking diary that inspires others to approach their own days with more attentiveness.

Ursus Wehrli reads from his diary, listens to the radio, organizes fruit, and presents unusual objects. Pretty much in that order. On odd-numbered weekdays, however, he sometimes does it exactly the other way around.

Witty, unpretentious, absurd, humorous, thought-provoking, and surprising.

The Art of Tidying up - The Live-Performance

Plakat: Kunst aufräumen

THE ART OF TIDYING UP - LIVE is the name of the stage-performance version of the eponymously titled bestseller by Ursus Wehrli, who not only neatly organizes works of art, but also auctions them off live.

Ursus Wehrli provides insight into his work and ultimately comes clean: whether Klee, Miró, Mondrian, Picasso, Van Gogh or Breugel – Mr. Wehrli demonstrates how great works of art can be efficiently organized, neatly arranged and sparingly presented. He opens up a new door to the perspective of art, illuminating his point of view regarding order and chaos and explaining why this method works and, if not, why it is nevertheless amusing. The way he accomplishes this feat is astonishing – and what emerges as a result is fascinating.

THE ART OF TIDYING UP is an unforgettable and entertaining lecture for all who love or hate art as well as the only genuine therapy for frustrated art critics. Most of all, however, it constitutes a playfully absurd solution toward at least providing some clarity where it makes the least sense!




20:00, ST. GALLEN, Kellerbühne


Eine performative Tagebuch-Lesung mit Dingen
Infos: www.kellerbuehne.ch


More Tidying up Art

More Tidying up Art

Who says great masterpieces can’t be improved upon? In his hilarious reconfigurations of important art works, comedian Ursus Wehrli deconstructs the works of famous artists and reconstructs them to fit his own slightly more orderly view of the world. Art is messy, and it‘s about time someone did something about it. Whether by pouring Pollock’s splatters back into their respective paint cans, or returning the fur coat from Oppenheim’s famous tea cup to its rightful owner, Wehrli‘s tongue-in-cheek editing of classic artworks is the next best thing to painting a moustache on the Mona Lisa.

Hardcover, Dimensions 22.2 x 27.9 cm, 48 pages
ISBN: 978-3039390052

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(at the moment only available in german. But with little text and plenty of pictures!)

A catalogue of things that nobody needs and still nobody wants

You've probably never thought about why you don't have a table with a bump, a puddle for your home or a shallow bathtub. Here comes the book you could well do without until now: a book with a catalogue of things you don't yet have and don't need.

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Tidying up Art

Tidying up Art

Tidying Up Art is an attempt at bringing a bit of clarity into our lives just where it makes no sense at all! Ursus Wehrli, a popular stand-up comedian, rearranges famous works of art, sweeps all unwanted things out of the way and lines everything up in neat rows: after all, being tidy is a virtue.

Hardcover, Dimensions 27 x 21 cm, 48 pages
ISBN: ‎ 978-3791330037

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The Art of Clean Up

The Art of Clean Up

The modern world can get messy. Fortunately, Swiss artist Ursus Wehrli is a man of obsessive order, as he demonstrates with eye-catching surprise in The Art of Clean Up. Already a bestseller in Germany, this compulsive title has sold more than 100,000 copies in less than a year, and the fastidiously arranged images have garnered blog love from NPR, Brain Pickings, swissmiss, and more. Tapping into the desire for organization and the insanity of ber-order, Wehrli humorously categorizes everyday objects and situations by color, size, and shape. He arranges alphabet soup into alphabetical order, sorts the night sky by star size, and aligns sunbathers' accoutrements--all captured in bright photographs sure to astonish even the pickiest of neat freaks.

Hardcover, Dimensions 22.2 x 27.9 cm, 48 pages
ISBN: 978-1452114163

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Heute habe ich beinahe was erlebt. Ein Tagebuch  (GERMAN)

Heute habe ich beinahe was erlebt. Ein Tagebuch (GERMAN)

Was alles einen Tag ausmacht!
Über Jahre hinweg hat sich der Bestsellerautor Ursus Wehrli Notizen gemacht, was er tagsüber erlebt hat, welche Gedanken ihm durch den Kopf geschossen sind, was er sich einfach gerne mal ausdenkt oder was ihm zuvor noch nie aufgefallen war. Entstanden ist ein liebenswertes, anregendes, geistreiches, teils absurdes Tagebuch, das Lust macht, auch selbst aufmerksamer durch die eigenen Tage zu gehen.

Illustriertes Buch
Format: 9,5 x 14,8 cm , 144 Seiten
ISBN: 978-3-0369-5827-9
10. März 2020
20,00 CHF

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The books are also available in a pocket-friendly version.
In addition, the books are published in the following languages: French (L'ART EN BAZAR, Edition Milan); Italian (L'ARTE A SOQQUADRO, Edizione il Castoro)


News Report Swiss TV (SRF1, 10vor10) Ursus Wehrli new book
from 04.10.2021

Mr. Wehrli tidies up the flock of sheep (swiss german)
from 08.09.2021

Mr. Wehrli tidies up the QR code
from 08.09.2021

Art of Leaves - Ursus Wehrli tidies up the autumn
from 22.10.2020

Tidying up an open-air bath, Making of
from 14.08.2011

Tidying up a parking lot, Making of
from 14.08.2011

Ursus Wehrli, report on SF 1 «Kulturplatz» (in german)
from 13.04.2011

Ursus Wehrli on swiss television, late show «Giacobbo/Müller» (in swiss german)
from 06.03.2011

«Mr Wehrli tidies up», part 2, on kids show «Sendung mit der Maus»
from 21.02.2011

Ursus Wehrli on swiss tv, news «10vor10» (in german)
from 30.03.2010

Mr Wehrli tidies up, Short film in Germanys kids tv show «Sendung mit der Maus».
from 20.10.2009

Ursus Wehrli, TED Conference, Monterey California (english)
from 14.11.2008

Ursus Wehrli on «Euromaxx» (tv report, in german)
from 30.06.2008

Order Pictures

A limited selection of the  works from URSUS WEHRLI's books can be ordered here on canvas!

With one order you will receive two separate pictures in the specified size.
The pictures are produced and then signed and numbered by Ursus Wehrli.

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Ursus Wehrli

Ursus Wehrli is left handed, a broad thinker and a trained typographer. For over 35 years, he has been touring alongside Nadia Sieger as the comedy duo URSUS & NADESCHKIN from Zurich to  Berlin and New York, winning multiple awards with this constellation – including “Reinhart Ring” the renowned Swiss theater award, the “New York Comedy Award” and the “Deutschen Kleinkunstpreis.”

Meanwhile, his books have been published in the German, English, French and Italian languages and soon available in Japanese and Korean too, with over a half a million copies sold worldwide to date. Ursus Wehrli lives in Zurich as a comedian, cabaret and freelance artist.

He came up with the idea of “tidying up art” along the way to picking up bread one morning while being caught by surprise by the onset of winter, “freezing his ears off.”

Ursus Wehrli